Titles with No Punctuation

Do not underline, italicize, or place in quotation marks the name of the Bible, its books, divisions, or version, or other religious Scriptures and their divisions or versions.

Example: In I Corinthians the Bible says that the greatest eternal value is love.
(The Bible and its book take no special punctuation.)

Example: The Talmud's tractate Sanhedrin discusses the laws and history of Jewish religious leadership.
(The scriptural Talmud and its division, Sanhedrin, take no special punctuation.)

Do not underline, italicize, or place in quotation marks the title of any government document including charters, treaties, acts, statutes, or reports.

Examples: The Declaration of Independence

The North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA

The Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 or the FWPCA

These rules may vary slightly when titles of such works are part of a formal biblography entry.

See also Capitalization Rules for capitalizing names and titles.

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